Yesterday, the connection who had previously fallen through, came back through and let me know I should be contacted in the next few weeks about an interview. This is a travel company based in Rhode Island, and I want a job here so f***ing badly. What the heck is in Rhode Island I have no idea, but after asking around I learned that Providence is a real up-and-coming city with a lot of culture to be found. And then there's the ocean. I love the ocean. Even if I've never been to Rhode Island, it sounds pretty promising. Working at a travel company where I'd be required to travel every year would be such a burden, but like, I'll do it.......
With my lack of experience in the professional working world, I'm not confident I'll get a job at all. There's always going to be someone more qualified, which is really intimidating. Despite my stripped confidence, however, I'm setting myself up for disappointment with all the fantasizing I've been doing. I haven't even had an interview and I'm already imagining my life in this new place, with this new job (which would probably be in sales, but I don't even know). I don't know anything, like usual, but in my head I create what my life will be like anyway. I'll find a cheap apartment where I can live alone and decorate how I please, I'll get a dog, I'll start thinking about where I want to travel to, I'll make new friends, I'll discover new favorite coffee shops, I'll become a regular at a cool dive bar. My mind runs away at full speed with any idea or potential opportunity I get, no matter how small it is.
Maybe it's not realistic, but why can't it be? Why shouldn't I find a job I love and finally live the life I want? It's not like I'm dreaming for the moon here.
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